Show me the way
August 22, 2015

AI that stumbles aimlessly into walls is rubbish, so I've been helping them get on the right path with an implementation of the A* algorithm.

The Case Files of Harvey Benson - Dev Blog #4
August 15, 2015

Today I made a start on implementing a weapons system. Please note that the assets, in particular the completely out out-of-place gun, are temporary place-holders and not at all representative of the art direction I'm aiming for with this project.

The Case Files of Harvey Benson - Dev Blog #3
August 13, 2015

Tonight I worked on improving the "feel" of the gameplay with some simple procedural animation and sounds.

The Case Files of Harvey Benson - Dev Blog #2
August 08, 2015

I've spent today working on a physics-friendly first / third person control system.

New Track - Gravity of the Situation
August 05, 2015

A new work in progress loop titled "Gravity of the Situation".

